Worm Room

Age Range: 3-5 years

ECCE Preschool

Staff Ratio: 1:11

The Preschool Room session starts from 9:15-12:15

In Preschool we are guided by a HighScope curriculum approach and we link to Aistear guide lines and Síolta quality standards. The Better Start Access and Inclusion model allows us to bring a range of universal and targeted supports to children of all abilities and interests.

A typical day in Worm room consists of;

  • Greeting Time; Time to welcome everybody and share stories and news from home.

  • Large Group time; Physical activity involving movements, dance and song.

  • Snack Time; Healthy nutritious snack provided by the centre kitchen

  • Planning, Work and Review Time. Children plan their own activity play, and then implement their play, supported by preschool team. At the end of this session the children share with the group what they were doing; how, why and where

  • Small Group Time; Adult led activity based on children’s emerging interests.

  • Out Door Time; we have access to a large playground and to a wild garden.

  • Departure Time; ECCE children are collected by parents/guardians at 12:15pm and full day children have their dinner.

In Worms the preschool children are lead by Early Years Practitioners, Rain and Brid, along with Community Employment Participants in Training. Children are observed throughout the day, supported in their play.


Limerick Rd,
Nenagh, Co Tipperary.