Outside Area

Outside play is one of the most important aspects of early years education. It is where children test their physical limits, develop social skills, learn about their environment, develop their imagination skills, develop emotional well being, as well as becoming fit and active and having loads of fun!

Here at Nenagh Childcare Centre we are blessed with a huge outdoor area which includes climbing areas for risky play, an area for growing vegetables including a poly tunnel, a willow tunnel as well as both grassy and dry areas.

Our favourite area is the wild garden, If we think back to our own childhoods, the places we enjoyed playing in were wild and free, places to make cubbies and to make potions with mud and water. Children can explore for worms and insects, climb trees and hide in the long grass.

We try to ensure children play out every day so ask parents to provide wet suits and wellies, along with sun hats and sun cream.

Making a potion is a very serious business