Community Employment FAQs

What is Community Employment?

The aim of Community Employment (CE) is to enhance the employability and mobility of disadvantaged and unemployed persons by providing quality opportunities for them to engage in useful temporary part-time work within their communities. It is a development opportunity and participation in accredited training will be a requirement. You will work 191⁄2 hours per week.

Am I eligible for Community Employment?

See attached eligibility guidelines. You can confirm your eligibility by contacting your local Intreo office.

What are the rates of pay?

If your Social Welfare Payment exceeds €188 per week, you will receive a payment equivalent to your Social Welfare Payment plus €20 per week. If your Social Welfare Payment is less than or equal to €188 per week, you will receive a standard payment of €208 per week. You will be paid in the form of a wage and you will be subject to normal PAYE and PRSI conditions, as below.

Your current social welfare payment will cease for the duration of your participation on CE.

How will I be paid?

You will be paid directly into your designated bank account every week through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Will I have to pay PAYE, Universal Social Charge and PRSI?

YES, an ‘A’ rate of PRSI contribution will apply and your Community Employment earnings will be assessable for Income Tax (PAYE) purposes. You will be exempt from paying the Universal Social Charge.

What happens after the 52 week placement?

Community Employment placements are for 52 weeks. If you are unsuccessful in finding other full-time work, full-time education or training opportunities during your engagement on Community Employment you should contact your local Social Welfare Office to establish your entitlements. Your social welfare payment will recommence as long as you continue to meet the qualifying conditions. You may be entitled to additional time on Community Employment which is dependent on previous social welfare history, age and nature of the project.

Will Fuel Allowance continue to be paid while I am on Community Employment?

YES, Fuel Allowance will be paid to those who fulfil the qualifying fuel conditions on joining Community Employment and will continue to be paid while an entitlement to the Fuel Allowance exists. This will be paid with your weekly CE payment into your bank account.

Am I entitled to retain the Medical Card and other secondary benefits?

You will continue to be entitled to secondary benefits if you are in receipt of them before you start the work placement as long as you continue to meet the qualifying conditions. You may be entitled to retain your Medical Card for three years on taking up employment from the date on which the employment commenced.

What type of work will I be expected to do?

All types of work that are undertaken by the local community can be offered during the recruitment process.

Some of the types of projects carried out are likely to include:

  • Environmental services (conservation, maintenance and development of public spaces)

  • Administrative and related services

  • General Community Services (information, caretaker)

  • Heritage and Cultural Services

  • Childcare

  • Health Services (Caring, IWA, Personal Assistants)

  • Sporting Organisations

Note: Community Employment participants may be required to submit information in order to comply with policies to protect children and vulnerable adults, including vetting by the National Vetting Office/An Garda Síochána.

How do I apply?

Community Employment Vacancies are advertised under Employment Programmes at, Jobs Ireland Website on ,by phoning Jobs Ireland on 1800 611 116, on the Job Seeker App or on the Self Service Machine in your local Intreo Office.

If you are interested in a particular vacancy, you must follow the instructions contained on the advertised vacancy and you must also submit your name to the local Social Welfare/Intreo Office.

Can my spouse/civil partner participate instead of me?


Can I work while on Community Employment?

Yes, Community Employment participants are encouraged to seek other work outside of CE, or engage in any other activity which would enhance their work options, while on their time off the project, without any fear of losing their Community Employment income for any part of the full 52 week period. Payment for any such work is subject to normal PAYE/PRSI conditions but does not alter their PRSI status for their Community Employment work. However, where a participant is taking up paid employment they should check with the relevant authority if there are any implications in relation to receipt of DSP payments/secondary benefits etc.

Will I get training while on Community Employment?

Community Employment has as an explicit primary objective, the provision of development opportunities to participants to help them secure job placement and progression opportunities after Community Employment. Training will be facilitated under the Individual Learner Plan (ILP) tailored to each participant’s training needs and career goals.

I am on a Community Employment Scheme: can I go on a JobBridge Internship?

Yes, subject to completing their CE Scheme and all other eligibility criteria met. An individual cannot apply for an internship with an organisation that they have previously completed a CE Scheme with.

I am on a JobBridge Internship; can I go onto a Community Employment Scheme?


I am on a Tús programme; can I go onto a Community Employment Scheme?

Tús participants who have completed 52 weeks can progress directly onto CE for a maximum of 1 year once it is part of an agreed progression plan with a Case Officer.

I am on One Parent Family Payment (OPFP)/Disability Allowance (DA), Invalidity Pension (IP): can I keep my payment while participating on Community Employment?

No. No “double” payments are allowed for new entrants to Community Employment since 16th January 2012.

I am signing for Credits only, am I eligible for Community Employment?


I am Self Employed, am I eligible for Community Employment?


I am a Casual Worker, am I eligible for Community Employment?

Casual Jobseekers (JA or JB) are eligible provided you haven’t worked more than 30 days in the last 12 months.

Does time spent on Tús, Gateway, Rural Social Scheme, Springboard, Momentum, JobBridge, Back to Work Enterprise Allowance or Back to Education Allowance count towards eligibility to Community Employment?

No. Entry to Community Employment following any of these programmes is not considered as a suitable or valid progression.

I am a CE Participant; can I avail of 3rd level Springboard programmes?

Yes at zero cost. The CE Supervisor should refer the participant to the appropriate Intreo/Employment Services Officer. The

Springboard course can then be input and approved by the DSP Community Development Officer via the ILP system.



Limerick Rd,
Nenagh, Co Tipperary.