Ladybird Room

Age Range: 2-3 years

Staff Ratio: 1:6 (where children are under 3) 1:8 (where children are 3 and over)

Welcome to the Ladybirds room where the children are aged between 2 and 3.

We are running the Highscope Curriculum that involves having a daily routine that brings us up to dinner time. This routine involves welcoming the children to the room, activities with the children and mealtimes. Our activities are based on the children’s interests and development. In the afternoons the children have more time for free play.

In the Ladybirds’ room we encourage the children to be more independent and improve their self-help skills; putting on coats and shoes. We also help the children to understand their emotions and how to cope with situations. They also start to learn how to problem solve.

We help the children with toilet training; we support both the children and parents through this time. Some children still have an afternoon sleep during their session; we provide a small bed which can be brought out for this purpose.

The Ladybird room is all about fun and learning before the children move on to their next room.


Limerick Rd,
Nenagh, Co Tipperary.